Alessi Futurespective
IoT App
Alessi Futurespective
A mobile app for Alessi's first IoT products
In celebration of its 100th anniversary, Alessi launched its first two IoT products, in collaboration with Snøhetta and Michael Graves. As a result, Studio Volpi was contracted to design a mobile app to manage these and other smart products in the future.
Research, UX & UI, Animation, Design system
Alessandro Sala, Nikola Mitrovic
September 2020 - November 2020
Setting Alessi on the right path
Upon contacting us, Alessi was keen to productize two smart devices: Nuet by Snøhetta and 9093 IoT by Michael Graves. Our first step was to meet with Alessi's product team to discuss their vision, learn more about their brand's philosophy, and define the app architecture. As part of my research, I examined the IoT technologies available at the time, lots of successful use cases and usability trends in this field, so to help facilitate their transition towards this new market.
Research insights
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Connected products are a growing market
Our research showed that Alessi's intuition to tap into the IoT market was backed by a booming market, especially in Italy, and an increased interest from consumers towards digitally-augmented product experiences.
A transition from past to future
Conversations sparked by the trend analysis focused on how Alessi should position itself in this new market. As we realized, the scope of this project also commemorates the company's transition from the past to its future.
A prototypal approach to app making
Working with Alessi proved to be a one-of-a-kind experience. Their history of collaborating with artists, designers, and inventors shaped their project approach, which was visionary and unconventional. My process involved a comprehensive evaluation of the app's features, prerequisites, and core UX structure, followed by several rounds of exploration based on fundamental ideas. This iterative approach helped our team uncover an IoT aesthetic that authentically reflected Alessi's foray into this domain.
Three screens representing a low-fidelity version of the Alessi IoT app
A set of illustrations representing all the key requirements for the IoT application
A screenshot of the app information architecture flow
A collage of screen designs for the first app concept called 'Dynamism'
A collage of screen designs for the second app concept called 'Freshness'
A collage of screen designs for the third app concept called 'Sensetion'
A collage of screen designs for the fourth app concept called 'Sensetion'
Luca standing in a room and reviewing printed designs of the mobile app
A glimpse into the future
In 2021 Alessi unveiled the two IoT products as part of the Futurespective campaign, a contemplation of the company's historical accomplishments and forward-looking aspirations. Despite Alessi's decision to delay the product release, I continued supporting the team on the app design. We settled on an approach that authentically embodied the brand's identity, delivering a comprehensive E2E experience that will set the course for Alessi's IoT strategy in the future.
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Alessi has an invisible identity, shaped by the work of those who collaborated with it, so we wanted to let each product speak by itself.
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Four app screens showing the various range of controls to regulate the smart products
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is more
Our intent was to provide a simple yet delightful experience, while letting users focus on their present, rather than on the app design.
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A collage of various screens from the final app design
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home (app)
We wanted users to develop a connection with these products, so we created opportunities to foster it with lots of small but exciting moments.
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